應用於立方衛星的感應耦合電漿源射頻 離子微引擎之研發

2021 - 10

碩士生: 黃達言

畢業年分: 2021年10月

論文名稱: 應用於立方衛星的感應耦合電漿源射頻離子微引擎之研發(中文) / Development of a miniature radio-frequency ion engine with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source for Cube satellite propulsion(英文)



13.56 MHz的射頻(RF)信號被用於啟動太空應用的離子推進器。ICP源通過將氬氣推進劑供應到低壓的RF離子推進器中,產生電漿。接著,通過一個電場將電漿加速形成離子束,並使用SIMION軟體模擬電漿束的軌跡和分佈。此外,推進器的下游安裝了一個電子放電器以確保穩定的推力。

在實驗中,微型離子推進器被放置在一個真空腔室中,背景壓力為10-5  torr。放電腔體長7公分,直徑38毫米,氬氣質量流量為59 µg/s。RF功率經過匹配網路送至腔體周圍的螺旋線圈,提供有效的功率傳輸。測量系統用於評估性能,包括比衝從1100到1840秒,和推力從7.1到14.6毫牛頓。


Electric propulsion systems, such as ion thrusters, are increasingly used in satellites due to their higher specific impulse, reduced propellant mass, and suitability for long-duration missions. Recently, the decreasing cost of satellite launches has prompted growing interest in space exploration and the space industry. In this study, an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source is employed as an ion source to generate high-density plasma with high propellant utilization efficiency and low power consumption.

A 13.56 MHz radio-frequency (RF) signal is used to activate the ion thruster in space applications. The ICP source induces plasma by supplying argon propellant gas at low pressure into the RF ion thruster. Ions are then accelerated through an electrostatic field to form an ion beam, with the trajectory and distribution of the beam simulated using SIMION software. Additionally, a neutralizer installed downstream of the thruster emits electrons to ensure a steady thrust. In the experiment, the miniature ion thruster was tested in a vacuum chamber with a background pressure of 10-5  torr. The discharge chamber is 7 cm long and 38 mm in diameter, with a mass flow rate of argon gas at 59 µg/s. The RF power passes through an impedance-matching network to a solenoid coil surrounding the discharge chamber, providing efficient power transfer. Measurement systems are used to evaluate performance, with specific impulse ranging from 1100 to 1840 seconds and thrust from 7.1 to 14.6 mN.


  • 黃達言


  • 李約亨

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