
2022 - 04

碩士生: 干孝凱

畢業年分: 2022年4月

論文名稱: 利用代理模型研究在傾角式甲烷/空氣預混火焰之粉煤燃燒現象(中文) / Employing surrogate model on coal particle combustion in oblique premixed methane-air flames(英文)



當兩個斜向噴流預混火焰進行對衝時,會構築兩種流場結構,即碰撞區和回流區,當粉煤顆粒進入流場中時會將粉煤顆粒帶向回流區並使其滯留一段時間,與此同時,粉煤顆粒會因受熱進行脫揮發分反應並產生可燃氣體,例如氫氣、甲烷和一氧化碳,而這些可燃氣體會於下游的對衝火焰區進行燃燒。此外,因脫揮發分反應而收縮的粉煤顆粒會被輸送至下游的對衝火焰中進行燃燒。理論上,此燃燒器可以實現潔淨且穩定的粉煤燃燒。而為了驗證所提出的斜向噴流燃燒器的燃燒特性,在偏轉角(30°、45°、60°)、預混火焰之當量比(1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.8),與流速(0.4, 0.5, 0.6 m/s)等參數進行檢視,並探討其參數對於流場及溫度場的影響。在實驗中,使用粒子圖像測速儀(PIV)以檢視其淨煤燃燒器的流場結構,並使用雙色高溫計(TCP)測量粉煤顆粒的表面溫度。此外,使用掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察不同高度的粉煤顆粒縮減的狀況以探討粉煤顆粒在不同高度下的燃燒情形。最後,根據SEM所量測之粉煤顆粒大小之數據,利用代理模型之克里金模型(Kriging model)以檢視參數之影響程度。由結果得知,對衝火焰的當量比為影響粉煤顆粒在所設計之燃燒器的燃燒現象最大。


This study proposes two angled jet premixed flame burners and a pulverized coal jet feeder. The angled jet premixed flames have specific deflection angles, creating internal recirculation and opposed flame zones with methane/air premixed flames under stoichiometric conditions. The central pulverized coal jet feeder delivers coal particles into the system.

When the two angled jet premixed flames collide, they form collision and recirculation zones. Coal particles entering this flow field are carried into the recirculation zone, where they stay for a while, undergoing devolatilization due to heating. This process releases combustible gases such as hydrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide, which burn in the downstream opposed flame zone. The devolatilized coal particles, now smaller, are transported downstream for combustion.

To verify the burner's combustion characteristics, various parameters were examined, including deflection angles (30°, 45°, 60°), premixed flame equivalence ratios (1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.8), and flow velocities (0.4, 0.5, 0.6 m/s). Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was used to study the flow field, and a two-color pyrometer (TCP) measured coal particle surface temperatures. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analyzed the shrinkage of coal particles at different heights, and the Kriging model evaluated parameter impacts.

Results indicate that the equivalence ratio of the opposed flames significantly affects coal particle combustion in the designed burner.


  • 干孝凱


  • 李約亨

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