
2022 - 09

碩士生: 陳怡蒨

畢業年分: 2022年9月

論文名稱: 以阻抗匹配及代理模型優化離子推進系統(中文) / Advanced Optimization of Ion Propulsion via Impedance Matching & Surrogate Modeling(英文)


隨著5G技術的快速發展,近幾十年來對衛星的需求急劇增加。在這些太空技術中,電力推進系統(Electric Propulsion)被譽為當今太空產業的舵手,將引領人類探索深空(Deep Space)之秘。作為電力推進家族的一員,離子推進器以其高比衝、長壽命和便於調整體積之特性證實了它的研究價值。雖然人類已開發出多種離子推進器,但對於其設計方法之研究則相對稀少。本研究以射頻電網式離子推進器(RF Gridded Ion Thruster)做為範例,分析其推進器之性能表現以及採用代理模型等數值計算方法來獲得推力性能隨設計參數變化的規律。幾個參數被分類和量化以確定對推力性能的影響。研究結果表明,在4 sccm 之氬氣質量流率、2500 V的加速電網電壓以及40 W 射頻功率下,離子推進器可以實現1.9 mN的推力、1649.5 s的比衝值和 48% 的推力效率,符合設計需求。在點火成功的基礎上,此原型驗證了代理模型優化的有效性,可為往後離子推進器研究提供一些技術指導。


With the rapid development of 5G technology, the demand for satellites has surged dramatically over the past few decades. Among these space technologies, Electric Propulsion (EP) systems are hailed as the helm of today's space industry, guiding our exploration of deep space. As a member of the EP family, ion thrusters have proven their research value due to their high specific impulse, long lifespan, and adjustable volume. Despite the development of various ion thrusters, the study of their design methods remains relatively scarce.

This research focuses on the RF Gridded Ion Thruster, analyzing its performance and using surrogate models and numerical methods to understand how design parameters affect thrust performance. Several parameters were categorized and quantified to determine their impact on thrust performance. The study found that at an argon gas mass flow rate of 4 sccm, an acceleration grid voltage of 2500 V, and 40 W RF power, the ion thruster achieved a thrust of 1.9 mN, a specific impulse of 1649.5 s, and a thrust efficiency of 48%, meeting design requirements.

Successful ignition of this prototype validated the effectiveness of surrogate model optimization, providing technical guidance for future ion thruster research.


  • 陳怡蒨


  • 李約亨

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