
李約亨 教授

職稱:國立成功大學 航空太空工程研究所 教授

          國立成功大學 副國際長 兼境外生招生組 組長

學歷:國立成功大學航太系 博士


經歷 :
  • 國際期刊 Journal of Sustainable MiningEditorial Board Member
  • 第16屆中華民國燃燒協會理事


[110] 【科技部產學合作計畫整合微型電子迴旋共振離子引擎與球型馬達應用於立方衛星姿態與軌道控制系統之研製

科技部 (MOST) (2021/11/01-2022/10/31)

[109] 【科技部一般型研究計畫利用Kriging代理模型以優化生質氣化微型熱電聯產系統之研究(三年期)

科技部 (MOST) (2020/08/01-2023/7/31)

[108] 【科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫微型電子迴旋共振離子引擎暨引擎監控/健診系統之發展(三年期)

科技部 (MOST) (2019/08/01-2022/7/31)

[107] 國家實驗研究院--創新科技計畫】真空陰極電弧推進器特性研究計畫(二年期)

國家太空中心 (NSPO) (2018/11/01-2020/10/31)

[107] 【臺灣-法國在臺協會幽蘭計畫--人員交流互訪BIRDY - 技術研發

科技部 (MOST) (2018/01/01-2019/12/31)

[106] 【臺灣-荷蘭雙邊科技研討會先進綠色能源供給之能源系統分析

科技部 (MOST) (2017/11/01-2017/11/30)

[106] 【臺灣-波蘭雙邊國合計畫提升生活固態廢棄物於能源領域的應用與發展(二年半期)

科技部 (MOST) (2017/01/01-2019/6/30)

[105] 【科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫應用於立方衛星之微型電漿推進器的設計、測試與應用(三年期)

科技部 (MOST) (2016/08/01-2019/9/30)

[104] 【科技部一般型研究計畫微波誘發電漿應用於電熱/化學雙推進系統之基礎研究與應用

科技部 (MOST) (2015/08/01-2016/9/30)

[104] 【國家型科技計畫(產學合作)-開發型】高效率生質氣化共燒鍋爐系統之開發(1/3)

國立成功大學航空太空工程學系 (2015/01/01 ~ 2015/12/31)

[104] 【產學合作研究計畫-開發型】生活汙泥觸媒熱裂解系統之自主研發

國立成功大學能源科技與策略研究中心 (2014/11/01 ~ 2015/10/31)

[104] 【能源科技代辦計畫】 棕梠空果串/粉煤混燒特性之研究

國立成功大學能源科技與策略研究中心 (2015/01/01 ~ 2015/12/31)

[104] 【國家型科技計畫】多元燃料純氧燃燒節能減排技術研發(2/3)

國立成功大學 (2015/01/01 ~ 2015/12/31)

[103] 【科技部新進人員研究計畫】熱光電微動力系統之研發

國立成功大學航空太空工程學系 (2015/01/01 ~ 2015/10/31)

[103] 【國家型科技計畫】多元燃料純氧燃燒節能減排技術研發(1/3)

國立成功大學 (2014/04/01 ~ 2015/03/31)


【2022】 碩士生 莊博丞、多亞立,第32屆燃燒與能源會議-學生論文競賽 能源應用組 第一名

【2022】 碩士生 蔡文淵,第32屆燃燒與能源會議-學生論文競賽 燃燒科技組 第三名

【2021】 碩士生 許中豪,第31屆燃燒與能源會議-學生論文競賽 燃燒科技組 佳作

【2020】 碩士生 陳俊翰,第30屆燃燒與能源會議-學生論文競賽 燃燒科技組 佳作

【2020】 碩士生 彭冠勳,第30屆燃燒與能源會議-學生海報論文競賽 第二名

【2020】 碩士生 王彥儒,第30屆燃燒與能源會議-學生海報論文競賽 佳作

【2017】 106年度成功大學工學院明日之星獎

【2017】 碩士生 高健鈞、大專生 夏源宏,全國工業節能創意實作競賽【最佳創意獎】

【2017】 碩士生 孫宜平,第27屆燃燒與能源會議-學生論文競賽佳作

【2016】 科技部105年度吳大猷先生紀念獎

【2016】 科技部優秀年輕學者獎勵三年期獎助

【2016】 碩士生 洪靖茹,第26屆燃燒與能源會議-學生論文競賽第二名

【2013】 國科會博士後研究人員學術著作獎

【2010】 亞太燃燒研討會優秀青年學者

【2006, 2007】 最佳學生論文獎, 台灣燃燒研討會

【2004】 國科會千里馬計畫-美國加州大學爾灣分校

【2000】 國科會大專生參與研究計畫-最佳論文獎


I. Professor (2021/08 - present)

  1. Yueh-Heng Li*, Jin-Wei Liang Huang-Ju Lin, 2022. Development of laminar burning velocity measurement system in premixed flames with hydrogen-content syngas or strong oxidizer conditions in a slot burner. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, accepted. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2020, 9/73=12.3%, IF:4.724)
  2. Chao-Wei Huang, Chih-Hsin Hsieh, Janusz Lasek, Yueh-Heng Li*, 2022. Optimal Fe/Ni/Ca-Al catalyst for tar model steam reforming by using the Taguchi method. International Journal of Energy Research, 46, 7799-7815. (NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 1/34=3%, IF:5.164)
  3. Yueh-Heng Li*, Yu-Shun Wang, Wei-Cheng Weng, 2022. A passive locating algorithm for air to air/ground object tracking and weapon delivery guidance. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 54(2), 131-146. (EI)
  4. Yueh-Heng Li*, Sareddy Kullai Reddy, Chun-Han Chen, 2021. Effects of the nitrous oxide decomposition reaction on soot precursors in nitrous oxide/ethylene diffusion flames. Energy, 235, 121364. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2020, 3 / 62 = 4.8%, IF: 7.147)
  5. Yueh-Heng Li*, Kuan-Hsun Peng, Hsiao-Hsuan Kao, 2021. Interaction between flow structure and chemical reaction around the perforated gap of stainless steel-platinum catalytic partition reactor. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 176, 121418. (MECHANICS 2020, 9/136=6.6%, IF:5.584)

II. Associate professor (2018/08-2021/07)

  1. Yueh-Heng Li*, Stalline Pangestu, Aris Purwanto, Chih-Ting Chen, 2021. Synergetic combustion behavior of aluminum and coal addition in hybrid iron-methane-air premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 228, 364-374. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2020, 9/62=14.5%, IF:4.185)
  2. Yueh-Heng Li*, Chun-Han Chen, Mustafa Ilbas, 2021. Effect of diluent addition on combustion characteristics of methane/nitrous oxide inverse tri-coflow diffusion flames. Combustion Science and Technology, accepted. (https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2020.1854236) (ENGINEERING: MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2019, 47/91=51.6%, IF:1.730)
  3. Chun-Han Chen, Yueh-Heng Li*, 2021. Role of N2O formation of methane/nitrous oxide premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 223 42-54. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2020, 9/62=14.5%, IF:4.185)
  4. Yueh-Heng Li*, Killian Dorn, Husn-Chen Hsieh, Tien-Chuan Kuo, Yao-Chung Hsu, 2021. Effect of electrode angle on pulsed plasma thruster performance. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 53(3), 353-368. (EI)
  5. Shih-Kai Chien, Kuo-Teng Tsai, Yueh-Heng Li*, Yu-Ting Wu, Wen-Lih Chen*, 2020. A simple and Accurate 3D Numerical Model for Laser Cladding. Journal of Mechanics, 36 (1), 19-33. (MECHANICS, 2019, 103 / 136=77%, IF:1.293)
  6. Yueh-Heng Li*, Wei-Chieh Kuo, 2020. The study of optimal parameters of oxygen-enriched combustion in fluidized bed with optimal torrefied woody waste. International Journal of Energy Research, 44 7416-7434. (NUCLEAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 1/34=3%, IF:5.164)
  7. Yash Pal, Harish Kumar, Yueh-Heng Li*, 2020. Ballistic and mechanical characteristics of paraffin-based solid fuels. CEAS Space Journal, 11(3), 317-327. (EI)
  8. Yueh-Heng Li*, Jun-You Pan, Georg Herdrich, 2020. Design and demonstration of micro-scale vacuum cathode arc thruster with inductive energy storage circuit. Acta Astronautica, 172 33-46. (ENGINEERING: AEROSPACE, 2020, 6/34=17.6%, IF:2.413)
  9. Yueh-Heng Li*, Yu-Ting Yang, 2020. Optimization of solar water-heating combisystem deployed in an aquatic farm to mitigate hypothermia damage. Applied Thermal Engineering, 168 114863 (MECHANICS, 2019, 2020, 13/136=9.5%, IF:5.295)
  10. Wen-Lih Chen, Chao-Wei Huang, Yueh-Heng Li*, Chien-Chun Kao, Huynh Thanh Cong, 2020. Biosyngas-fueled platinum reactor applied in micro combined heat and power system with a thermophotovoltaic array and Stirling engine. Energy, 194 116862. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2020, 3 / 62 = 4.8%, IF: 7.147)
  11. Yueh-Heng Li, Yu-Ching Yang, Wen-Lih Chen*, 2020. A parametric study on the effects of displacer-cylinder-circumferential-wall thermal conditions on the performance of a γ-type LTD Stirling engine. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 41(1), 19-30. (EI)
  12. Heiu-Jou Shaw, Wen-Lih Chen*, Yueh-Heng Li, 2019. A CFD study on the performance of a passive ocean plastic collector under rough sea conditions. Ocean Engineering, 188 106243. (ENGINEERING: MARINE, 2019, 1 / 14 = 7.1%, IF: 3.068)
  13. Yueh-Heng Li*, Chih-Ting Chen, Hui-Kuan Fang, 2019. Effects of a microwave-induced corona discharge plasma on premixed methane-air flames. Energy, 188 116007. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2019, 3 / 61 = 4.9%, IF: 6.082)
  14. Janusz Lasek*, Wei-Chieh Kuo, Krzysztof Słowik, Krzysztof Głód, Barbara Jagustyn, Yueh-Heng Li, Adam Cygan, 2019. Low-temperature pre-treatment of municipal solid waste for efficient application in combustion systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 196 525-535. (MECHANICS, 2019, 3 / 136 = 2.2%, IF: 8.208)
  15. Yueh-Heng Li*, Clémence Royer, 2019. Effect of voltage on second-stage electrodes of dual-stage solid propellant pulsed plasma thruster. Vacuum, 167 103-112. (PHYSICS: APPLIED, 2019, 55 / 155 = 35%, IF: 2.906)
  16. Yueh-Heng Li*, Sunil Palagiri, Po-Yu Chang, Christoph Montag, Georg Herdrich, 2019. Plasma behavior in a solid-fed pulsed plasma thruster. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 51 31-42. (EI)
  17. Chun-Wei Kong, Yueh-Heng Li, Wen-Lih Chen*, 2019. An efficient procedure for designing various series of centrifugal compressor impellers. Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 51(3) 237-248. (EI)
  18. Chia-Yen Lee*, Wei-Chun Sun, Yueh-Heng Li, 2019. Biodiesel Economic Evaluation and biomass planting allocation optimization in global supply chain, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, accept. (ENGINEERING, INDUSTRIAL, 2018, 24 / 46 = 52.2%, IF: 1.867)
  19. Chao-Wei Huang, Yueh-Heng Li*, Kai-Lin Xiao, Janusz Lasek, 2019. Cofiring characteristics of coal blended with torrefied Miscanthus Biochar optimized with three Taguchi indexes. Energy, 172 566-579. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2019, 3 / 61 = 4.9%, IF: 6.082)
  20. Yueh-Heng Li*, Hsien-Tsung Lin, Kai-Lim Xiao, Janusz Lasek, 2018. Combustion behavior of coal pellets blended with Miscanthus biochar. Energy, 163 180-190. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2018, 3 / 60 = 5%, IF: 5.537)

III. Assistant professor (2014/08-2018/07)

  1. Yueh-Heng Li*, Jing-Ru Hong, 2018. Performance assessment of catalytic combustion-driven thermophotovoltaic platinum tubular reactor. Applied Energy, 211, 843-853. (ENGINEERING: CHEMICAL, 2016, 4 / 135 = 3%, IF: 7.182)
  2. Yueh-Heng Li*, Wei-Chun Kao, 2018. Taguchi optimization of solar thermal and heat pump combisystems under five distinct climatic conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 133, 283-297(MECHANICS, 2016, 10 / 133 = 7.5%, IF: 3.444)
  3. Yueh-Heng Li*, Hsiang-Ho Chen, 2018. Analysis of syngas production rate in empty fruit bunch steam gasification with varying control factors. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(2), 667-675. (ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 2016, 7 / 29 = 24%, IF:3.582)
  4. Yueh-Heng Li*, Jing-Ru Hong, 2018. Power generation performance of hydrogen-fueled micro thermophotovoltaic reactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43(3), 1459-1469. (ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 2016, 7 / 29 = 24%, IF:3.582)
  5. Yueh-Heng Li*, Wei-Chun Kao, 2017. Performance analysis and economic assessment of solar thermal and heat pump combisystems for subtropical and tropical region. Solar Energy, 153, 301-316. (ENERGY&FUELS, 2016, 21 / 92 = 23%, IF: 4.018)
  6. Guan-Bang Chen*, Yueh-Heng Li**, Guan-Lim Chen, Wen-Teng Wu, 2017. Effects of catalysts on pyrolysis of castor meal. Energy, 119, 1-9. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2016, 3 / 58 = 6%, IF: 4.520)
  7. Guan-Bang Chen*, Yueh-Heng Li, Ching-Hsien Lan, Hsien-Tsung Lin, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2017. Micro-explosion and burning characteristics of a single droplet of pyrolytic oil from castor seeds. Applied Thermal Engineering, 114, 1053-1063. (MECHANICS, 2016, 10 / 133 = < 7.5%, IF: 3.444)
  8. Yu-Ting Wu, Yueh-Heng Li*, 2016. Combustion characteristics of a micro segment platinum tubular reactor with a gap. Chemical Engineering Journal, 304, 485-492. (ENGINEERING-CHEMICAL, 2016, 6 / 135 = 4.4%, IF = 6.216)
  9. Yueh-Heng Li*, Guan-Bang Chen, Fang-Hsien Wu, Hsiu-Feng Hsieh, Yei-Chin Chao, 2016. Effects of carbon dioxide in oxy-fuel atmosphere on catalytic combustion in a small-scale channel. Energy, 94, 766-774. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2016, 3 / 58 = 5.2%, IF: 4.520)
  10. Yueh-Heng Li*, Guan-Bang Chen, Yi-Chieh Lin, Yei-Chin Chao, 2015. Effects of flue gas recirculation on the premixed oxy-methane flames in atmospheric condition. Energy, 89, 845-857. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2015, 3 / 58 = 5.2%, IF: 4.292)

IV. Postdoctoral researcher (2008/08~2014/07)

  1. Guan-Lin Chen, Guan-Bang Chen*, Yueh-Heng Li**, Wen-Ting Wu, 2014. A study of thermal pyrolysis for castor meal using the Taguchi method. Energy, 71, 62-70. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2014, 2 / 55 = 3.6%, IF: 4.844)
  2. S. I. Yang*, T. C. Hsu1, C. Y. Wu, K. H. Chen, Y. L. Hsu, Y. H. Li, 2014. Application of biomass fast pyrolysis part II: The effects that bio-pyrolysis oil has on the performance of diesel engines. Energy, 66, 172-180. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2014, 2 / 55 = 3.6%, IF: 4.844)
  3. Yueh-Heng Li*, Guan-Bang Chen, Tsarng-Sheng Cheng, Yean-Ling Yeh, Yei-Chin Chao, 2013. Combustion characteristics of a small-scale combustor with a percolated platinum emitter tube for thermophotovoltaics. Energy, 61, 150-157. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2013, 2 / 55 = 3.6%, IF: 4.159)
  4. Guan-Bang Chen*, Yueh-Heng Li, Tsarng-Sheng Cheng**, Yei-Chin Chao, 2013. Chemical effect of hydrogen peroxide addition on characteristics of methane-air combustion, Energy, 55, 564-570. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2013, 2 / 55 = 3.6%, IF:4.159)
  5. Yueh-Heng Li*, Guan-Bang Chen, Tsarng-Sheng Cheng, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2013. Combustion characteristics in a small-scale reactor with catalyst segmentation and cavities. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34, 2253-2259. (ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL, 2013, 4 / 128 = 3.8%, IF: 3.828)
  6. Chin-Yung Wu*, Yueh-Heng Li, Tzu-Wei Chang, 2012. Effects of CO addition on the propagation characteristics of laminar CH4 triple flame. Combustion and Flame, 159 (9), 2806-2816. (MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2012, 1/90, 3.599)
  7. Yueh-Heng Li*, Guan-Bang Chen, Tsarng-Sheng Cheng, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2012. Effect of catalyst segmentation with cavities on combustion enhancement of multi-fuels in a micro channel. Combustion and Flame, 159 (4), 1644-1651. (MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2012, 1/90, 3.599)
  8. Yueh-Heng Li*, Tsarng-Sheng Cheng, Yung-Sheng Lien, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2011. Development of a tubular flame combustor for thermophotovoltaic power systems. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33 (2), 3439-3445. (ENGINEERING: MECHANICAL, 2011, 4 / 122 = 3.3%, IF: 3.633)
  9. Yueh-Heng Li*, Chih-Yung Wu, Hong-Yuan Li, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2011. Concept and combustion characteristics of the high-luminescence flame for thermophotovoltaic systems. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33 (2), 3447-3454. (ENGINEERING: MECHANICAL, 2011, 4 / 122 = 3.3%, IF: 3.633)
  10. Guan-Bang Chen*, Yueh-Heng Li, Tsarng-Sheng Cheng, Hung-Wei Hsu, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2011. Effects of hydrogen peroxide on combustion enhancement of premixed methane/air flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (23), 15414-15426. (ENERGY & FUELS, 2011, 12/81 = 14.8%, IF:4.054)
  11. Tsarng-Sheng Cheng*, Yei-Chin Chao, Guan-Bang Chen, Yueh-Heng Li, Chih-Yung Wu, 2011. An Experimental and Numerical Study on Characteristics of Laminar Premixed H2/CO/CH4/air Flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (20), 13207-13217. (ENERGY & FUELS, 2011, 12/81 = 14.8%, IF:4.054)
  12. Yueh-Heng Li, Guan-Bang Chen*, Hung-Wei Hsu, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2010. Enhancement of Methane Combustion in Micro Channels: Effects of Catalyst Segmentation with Cavities. Chemical Engineering Journal, 160 (2), 715-722. (ENGINEERING: CHEMICAL, 2011, 10 / 135 = 7.4%, IF:3.074)
  13. Yueh-Heng Li*, Chih-Yung Wu, Yung-Sheng Lien, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2010 “Development of a High-Flame-Luminosity Thermophotovoltaic Power System,” Chemical Engineering Journal, 162 (1), 307-313, 2010. (ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL, 2011, 10 / 135 = 7.4%, IF:3.074)
  14. Yueh-Heng Li, Yung-Sheng Lien, Yei-Chin Chao*, Derek Dunn-Rankin**, 2009. Performance of a Mesoscale Liquid Fuel-film Combustion-driven TPV Power System. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 17 (5), 327-336. (ENERGY & FUELS, 2009, 5 / 71 = 7%, IF: 4.702)
  15. Yueh-Heng Li, Hong-Yuan Li, Yei-Chin Chao*, Derek Dunn-Rankin**, 2009. Enhancing Thermal, Electrical Efficiencies of a Miniature Combustion-driven TPV System. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 17 (7), 502-512. (ENERGY & FUELS, 2009, 5 / 71 = 7%, IF: 4.702)
  16. Yueh-Heng Li, Hung-Wei Hsu*, Yung-Sheng Lien, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2009. Design of a Novel Hydrogen-syngas Catalytic Mesh Combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (19), 8322-8328. (ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 2009, 12 / 181 = 6.63%, IF:3.945)
  17. Yueh-Heng Li, Yei-Chin Chao, Nicola Sarzi Amadé, Derek Dunn-Rankin*, 2008. Progress in miniature liquid film combustors: Double chamber and central porous fuel inlet designs. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 32 (5), 1118-1131. (ENGINEERING: MECHANICAL, 2008, 39 / 105 = 37%, IF: 1.037)
  18. Yueh-Heng Li, Chin-Yung Wu, Bi-Chian Chen, Yei-Chin Chao*, 2008. Measurements of a high-luminosity flame structure by a shuttered PIV system. Measurement Science and Technology, 19, 045401. (ENGINEERING MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2008, 12 / 67 = 18%, IF: 1.493)
  19. Yueh-Heng Li, Derek Dunn-Rankin*, Yei-Chin Chao**, 2008. Combustion in a meso-scale liquid-fuel-film combustor with central-porous fuel inlet. Combustion Science and Technology, 180, 1900-1919. (ENGINEERING MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2008, 28 / 67 = 41.8%, IF: 1.493)

V. Graduate to Postgraduate Student (Before 2008/07)

  1. Tsarng-Sheng Cheng*, Chih-Peng Chen, Chin-Sheng Chen, Yueh-Heng Li, Chih-Yung Wu, Yei-Chin Chao, 2006. Characteristics of microjet methane diffusion flame. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 10 (5), 861-881. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2006, 11/42 = 26%, IF: 0.986)
  2. Tsarng-Sheng Cheng, Chih-Yung Wu, Yueh-Heng Li, Yei-Chin Chao*, 2006.  Chemiluminescence measurements of local equivalence ratio in a partially premixed flame. Combustion Science and Technology, 178, 1821-1841. (ENGINEERING: MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2006, 27/67 = 40%, IF: 0.651)
  3. Tsarng-Sheng Cheng*, Chih-Yung Wu, Chih-Peng Chen, Yueh-Heng Li, Yei-Chin Chao, Tony Yuan, and Tzong-Shyng Leu, 2006. Detailed measurement and assessment of laminar hydrogen jet diffusion flames. Combustion and Flame, 146 (3), 481-494. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2006, 3/42 = 7%, IF: 1.828)
  4. Chih-Yung Wu, Yei-Chin Chao*, Tsarng-Sheng Cheng, Yueh-Heng Li, Kuo-Yuan Lee, Tony Yuan, 2006. The Blowout Mechanism of Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames. Combustion and Flame, 145 (1-2) 268-282. (THERMODYNAMICS, 2006, 3/42 = 7%, IF: 1.828)
  5. Yei-Chin Chao*, Chih-Yung Wu, Kuo-Yuan Lee, Yueh-Heng Li, Ruey-Hung Chen, and Tsarng-Sheng Cheng, 2004. Effects of Dilution on Blowout Limits of Turbulent Jet Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 176, 1735-1753. (ENGINEERING: MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 2004, 20/61 = 33%, IF: 0.568)
  6. Tsarng-Sheng Cheng*, Yei-Chin Chao, Chih-Yung Wu, Yueh-Heng Li, Yuji Nakamura, Kuo-Yuan Lee, Tony Yuan, 2005. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Microscale Hydrogen Diffusion Flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 30, 2489-2497. (ENERGY&FUELS, 2004, 26/61 = 43%, IF: 0.683)



  • 干孝凱 碩士學位 利用代理模型研究在傾角式甲烷/空氣預混火焰之粉煤燃燒現象
  • 林俊憲 碩士學位 生質燃料流體化床結合史特靈引擎之熱電聯產系統設計與性能分析


  • 劉勝文 碩士學位 真空陰極電弧誘發脈衝電漿推進器之研發
  • 黃達言 碩士學位 應用於立方衛星的感應耦合電漿元射頻離子微推進器之研發
  • 李   天 碩士學位 具有不同電極夾角的脈衝電漿推進器的優化與性能量測
  • 杜海雲 碩士學位 利用田口法進行雙極脈衝式電弧推進器之改進與優化
  • 許中豪 碩士學位 氧化亞氮分解反應對於氧化亞氮/乙烯反置擴散火焰中煙粒生成之影響

獲第31屆燃燒與能源學術研討會(2021) 學生論文競賽 佳作 

  • 多亞立 碩士學位 微米級鐵顆粒在甲烷/空氣預混火焰之微爆現象研究

獲第32屆燃燒與能源學術研討會(2022) 學生論文競賽-能源應用組 第一名  

  • 梁晉維 碩士學位 建置適用於混合燃氣及強氧化劑之層流火焰速度量測系統
  • 謝志鑫 碩士學位 利用田口法促進Ni/Fe/CaO-Al2O3觸媒在生質物焦油模型催化蒸氣重整中的焦油轉化率
  • 翁瑋成 碩士學位 以被動定位技術達到空對空物體追蹤及空對地武掛投放指引之演算法設計


  • 馮椲裎 碩士學位 甲烷/空氣預混火焰通入鐵、鐵-鋁,與鐵-煤之顆粒燃燒特性探討
  • 彭冠勛 碩士學位 甲烷/氫氣預混火焰於帶有穿透孔之不鏽鋼/鉑觸媒隔板反應器之燃燒特性

獲第30屆燃燒與能源學術研討會(2020) 學生海報論文競賽 第二名 

  • 王彥儒 碩士學位 以序列式採樣建立代理模型以優化生質焙燒條件

獲第30屆燃燒與能源學術研討會(2020) 學生海報論文競賽 佳作  

  • 多翰嘉 碩士學位 電極板夾角對脈衝電漿推進器性能之影響與優化
  • 席維廷 碩士學位 應用陰極真空電弧觸發裝置於新型脈衝電漿推進器之研發


  • 潘均祐 碩士學位 真空陰極電弧推進器之研發、設計與測試
  • 劉邁丹 碩士學位 添加擴散噴嘴於微型固態燃料脈衝電漿推進器之運轉可靠性分析
  • 古仁義 碩士學位 以一氧化氮作為氧化劑的熱效應對於層流甲烷預混火焰燃燒特性之影響
  • 高健鈞 碩士學位 生質燃氣應用於燃燒驅動式微型熱電共生系統之設計與優化
  • 楊宇婷 碩士學位 太陽能集熱板暨熱泵複合式系統應用於寒流期間以降低魚塭之寒害損失
  • 郭唯婕 碩士學位 木質類廢棄物最佳焙燒條件於流化床中之微富氧燃燒 


  • 孫宜平 碩士學位 立方衛星之微型脈衝電漿推進器之發展

獲第27屆燃燒與能源學術研討會(2017) 學生論文競賽 佳作     

  • 陳俊翰 碩士學位 添加稀釋物對甲烷/一氧化氮反置擴散火焰之燃燒特性影響
  • 蔡岳辰 碩士學位 渦輪發動機控制含健康診測模型開發與驗證
  • 蕭楷潾 碩士學位 最佳陪燒條件生質炭與煤炭之混燒特性
  • 蕾蕾    碩士學位 雙階固態燃料脈衝式電漿推進器之研究


  • 吳建勳 碩士學位 混合燃氣之拉伸極限影響火焰結構特性在空氣及純氧條件之研究   
  • 高瑋駿 碩士學位 太陽能結合熱泵複合式系統之性能分析與優化
  • 陳峙廷 碩士學位 微波誘發電漿對於火焰電漿之影響

獲阿卜杜拉國王科技大學旅遊獎學金 ,參加國際會議            


  • 洪靜茹 碩士學位 微型燃燒驅動式熱光電系統之概念、設計與示範

獲第26屆燃燒與能源學術研討會(2016) 學生論文競賽    

  • 陳翔和 碩士學位 利用不同焙燒程度棕櫚空果串進行水氣氣化反應之研究


國立成功大學 國際事務處 副國際長  (2020/8/1-present)

國立成功大學 國際事務處境外生招生組 組長 (2018/8/1-present)

國立成功大學 國際事務處國際合作組 組長 (2017/2/1-2017/9/30)

國立成功大學 航空太空系 副教授 (2018/8/01-2021/7/31)

國立成功大學 航空太空系 助理教授 (2014/8/01-2018/7/31)

中華民國燃燒學會 財務委員會 主任委員 (2014/5/1-2016/4/30) (2016/5/1-2018/4/30)

中華民國燃燒學會 出版委員會 編輯 (2014/5/1-2016/4/30) (2016/5/1-2018/4/30)

中華民國燃燒學會 國際合作委員會 委員 (2014/5/1-2016/4/30) 

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