
2024 - 06

碩士生: 林俊憲

畢業年分: 2022年1月

論文名稱: 生質燃料流化床結合史特靈引擎之熱電聯產系統設計與性能分析(中文) / Design and performance analysis of combined heat and power system incorporating with a fluidized bed and a Stirling engine(英文)


在本篇研究中,將進行生質燃料流體化床結合史特靈引擎之熱電聯產系統設計與性能分析,在實驗裝置方面,本研究採用市售之火箭爐烹煮平台(80×52×75cm),並將底下之燃燒段改為自製流體化床燃燒爐,並在平台上方架設低溫型史特林引擎進行發電。為了確保熱電聯產系統發電產熱的穩定,即是指史特靈引擎及水盤的受熱端穩定,所以確認流體化床的穩定性以及所能操作的條件區間是不可或缺的,經過操作區間測試,流體化床的進料量定於9.5~11.5 g/min之間,約2.7~3.3 kW之間,而空氣流率則定於32~48 L/min之間。本研究依據流體化床的操作區設定了25組不同的實驗操作條件,並對其進行流體化床床材、流體化床出口、氧氣濃度,二氧化碳濃度、一氧化碳濃度和氮氧化物濃度的量測。最後再透過溫度以及廢氣量測結果,選出12組做熱電聯產系統的發電產熱。本實驗的研究成果,在未來可當作小型熱電聯產系統設計之參考。並且根據不同的發電產熱需求,來挑選合適的流體化床燃燒器kW數及空氣流率。


This study focuses on designing and analyzing a combined heat and power (CHP) system integrating a biomass fluidized bed with a Stirling engine. The experimental setup used a modified rocket stove cooking platform (80×52×75 cm) with a custom fluidized bed combustor and a low-temperature Stirling engine for power generation. Ensuring stable power and heat production required confirming the fluidized bed's stability and operational conditions. The feed rate was set between 9.5 and 11.5 g/min (2.7 to 3.3 kW), and the airflow rate between 32 and 48 L/min.

Twenty-five experimental conditions were established, measuring parameters such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide concentrations. From these, 12 conditions were selected for CHP system operation based on temperature and exhaust gas analysis. The study's results provide a reference for designing small-scale CHP systems, allowing for selection of suitable fluidized bed combustor power ratings and airflow rates based on specific needs.


  • 林俊憲


  • 李約亨

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