Design of a novel hydrogen-syngas catalytic mesh combustor

2009 - 10

Journal: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 34, pp. 8322-8328, 2009.

Title: Design of a novel hydrogen-syngas catalytic mesh combustor

Authors: Yueh-Heng Li, Hung-Wei Hsu*, Yung-Sheng Lien, Yei-Chin Chao**

Rank: <7% (12/181), SCI, ENVIRONMENTALSCIENCES, 2009.









Ignition process of the double-layer wire-mesh catalytic combustor (a) during ignition and (b) after ignition.

Abstract: A small-scale wire-mesh catalytic combustor is developed and evaluated for hydrogen– syngas combustion in domestic power/heating generator. The single- and double-layer wire-mesh catalysts are tested to verify their performance on CO conversions. Experimental results indicate that the double-layer wire-mesh catalytic combustor yields a higher CO conversion ratio (>90%) than that (<40%) of the single-layer wire-mesh catalyst in the range of fuel concentrations, fuel compositions,and flow velocities studied. In order to maintain a stable  eterogeneous/homogeneous reaction at the second stage of wiremesh catalyst, a minimum of 4% hydrogen in syngas and at least 200 C of preheating temperature on the second wire-mesh catalyst are suggested. The advantages of the wiremesh combustor are its compactness and ease of assembly and cleaning.



  • 李約亨

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